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Update resource

Updates a resource in a project

Path Parameters
    projectId string required
    id string required
Request Body required
    name string required

    The name of the resource. Must be unique within the project.
    Example: my-resource

    title string

    The title can contain any UTF-8 character, used to provide a human-readable name for the resource. Can also be left empty.

    namespace string required

    The namespace of the resource. The resource namespace are created when permissions for that resource is created in Frontier. If namespace doesn't exists the request will fail.
    Example: compute/instance

    principal format namespace:uuid or just uuid for user

    UserID or ServiceUserID that should be marked as owner of the resource. If not provided, the current logged in user will be made the resource owner.
    Example: user:92f69c3a-334b-4f25-90b8-4d4f3be6b825

    metadata object

A successful response.

    resource object
    id string
    name string

    Name of the resource. Must be unique within the project.

    createdAt date-time

    The time the resource was created.

    updatedAt date-time

    The time the resource was last updated.

    urn string
    projectId string
    namespace string
    principal string
    metadata object
PUT /v1beta1/projects/:projectId/resources/:id


name: Basic type: httpdescription: use Client ID as username and Client Secret as passwordin: headerscheme: basic


Base URL
Security Scheme
projectId — path required
id — path required
Body required
"name": "string",
"title": "string",
"namespace": "string",
"principal": "string",
"metadata": {}
curl / cURL
curl -L -X PUT '' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-H 'Accept: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
"name": "string",
"title": "string",
"namespace": "string",
"principal": "string",
"metadata": {}